
Here are a list of resources that you may find useful. These were previously displayed as ‘Attachments’ on the ‘Latest News’ page. Please review our website Terms and Conditions before proceeding to access any external links or download any data from this page.

登載講道內容 (by iTunes)
Application | Exp: Never | Requires iTunes | Launch

microSite (.htm) | Exp: Never | Launch

網郵 2.0 (by 1&1)
microSite Application (.htm) | Exp: Never | For SLAC members only | Launch

Webmail 2.0 FAQs
78KB | PDF File (.pdf) | Exp: Never | Download

microSite (.htm) | Exp: Never | Launch

microSite (.htm) | Exp: Never | Launch

事奉輪值表下載 | Download

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